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Search Engine Optimization


The OSTPL SEO process contains detailed steps in which we achieve long term rankings on the search engines that are most important to you.The search engine Optimization process is continuous changes as the industry and the Internet marketing. A continuous tracking of a website has to be done and plans have to be chalked out accordingly to get effective results. OSTPL methods of Website optimization:

1. Study and analysis of the your web site that includes planning the strategy we will follow to optimize the site, scheduling the steps required to develop the content of the site and re-planning the navigation areas of the site. Every web site is a unique creation.

2. Audit the site.

The following areas shall be inspected:
a. Code consistency. Basic errors in the code will affect how search engines will treat the site.

b. Broken links. These may stop search engines to crawl/index the site further.

c. Tags. Items like , are taken in to account by search engines and should be present. These should contain important keywords.

d. Meta-tags. There should be present and contain important keywords following certain rules.

e. Research most popular keywords. Often companies target keywords/phrases that are not the most frequently entered on the web. Finding out and targeting right keywords/phrases will increase number of visits.

f. Keyword density. This is a fine art of search engine optimization. The right proportion of keywords on the page will influence rankings. This relates not only to body text, but also to all other invisible elements (tags, styles), even to images names, link names and URLs!

g. Design features. It is important:

* how easy it is to find information on the website;
* how easy it is to navigate the website;
* how quick the site’s response is;
* how aesthetically appealing the website is.

Bangalore No.1 Search Engine Optimization Provider Company - OSTL, Bangalore
h. Dynamic content indexing. Search engines are not indexing dynamic pages well in certain conditions. If particular products/services featured on the website are accessed only via search facility or generated dynamically these should be considered to included onto site maps or the ‘integrated doorway pages’ (static introductory pages) should be created for them.

i . Analyze competition. Strong and weak point of the direct competition shall be analyzed in order either:

* To adopt the strong points;
* To capitalize on weak points;
* To improve the sites and make it better than competition;
* To make site “different”, interesting, compare to competition.

j . Target audience. The target audience / area / market segment to be defined. The site shall be evaluated if it appeals to the target audience.

3. Find the Right Keywords and your Top Competitors

Before you begin, find out where your website stands in comparison to your competitors. Once this is done find out the best keywords and phrases that can enhance your site. we will make the maximum effort to rank your site for all keywords chosen.

4. Find out your Competitors

A thorough research about your competitors is then done. This analysis is done by an expert who will go through their web pages thoroughly and prepare a report. The results are prepared after evaluating the competitors and how well they understand seo industry. Understand and determine your competition. Almost always the success of your SEO campaign is determined by the competitiveness of your market and keywords.

5. Web Site Content and Copy Management

The content, layout and the design of a web site contributes greatly in the rankings on a search engines. Each search engine will index page content into their database against their own set of rules. content is the king for site optimization. Also keyword relevancy, anchor text, frequency and density also have to be kept in mind. The content of a web site is the foundation for its success in the search engines.

6. Research and finalization of keywords to be used in the promotion of the web sites. We research and select appropriate categories for submission to the search engines and directories. This is one of the most important steps in the SEO process. Choosing the right keywords for your campaign to get the profit from your website.
e-Commerce Solution Development Company - OSTL, Bangalore

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is basically designing, writing, and HTML-coding a Web site to maximize the chance that its pages will appear at the top of search engine results for selected keywords and phrases.

8. Keyword Research & web site Analysis

Our qualified SEO Expert will analyze your company"s website and the nature of your business. Examining all site links, and mapping out the changes that will improve both search engine and customer navigation.

9. Title & Meta tags

The Title, Keywords, and Description tags of your site means a lot to search engines. We optimize these components for your website based on current search engine methods or algorithms. We will make new Title, Keyword, and Description tags, and suggest other measures to make your pages more search-engine friendly.To optimize and increase the number of effective visitors to your site, we optimize most of your pages for your keywords/phrases. We follow content focus search engine optimization, by which we only optimize your site by adding search engine friendly - keyword rich content.

10. Re-Writing content

Revising and re-writing existing pages of the your web site to match the keywords chosen is a must. The step also includes modification to the codes of the existing pages (if necessary), creating a site map page,blogs creation,rss feed adding, articles writing, adding a search engine to the web site, adding a forum to the web site, etc.

11. Manual Submissions to search engines and directories

We submit your website to the major search engines and directories by manual, and we continue to re-submit your optimized pages with the utmost frequency allowed by each individual search engine. we never use automation submission process, In many cases your website"s positioning may actually be penalized for utilizing automatic software submission. Manual submissions are the only way to ensure that the submission process is executed properly. Also we submit your site to your category related and regional search engines and directories. Having your website listed in the major Internet search directories such as Yahoo, DMOZ etc. increases the probability that your website will rank highly.

12. Link popularity

The majority of the major search engines use link popularity as an important factor in ranking relevancy. As search engines have become more sophisticated, so too has link popularity., As search engines become more intelligent, they are beginning to focus on many new ranking criteria. Building link popularity of your web site. Trading links with other related web sites that are found under the keywords you want to rank for and placement in related directories. Link Popularity is important for search engine optimization. and more complex than you might think! Web sites that have links from web sites with "similar" or "relevant" content score higher, thus earn better placement in search engines. we take care of "link farms" some search engines consider them a form of Spam. Many engines will actually penalize sites for maintaining an abundance of links from non-related web sites. It is more important than ever to develop a solid "link-popularity" strategy. we are major concentrating on placed on one-way linking rather reciprocal links.

13. Continuous re-optimization of the websites pages (if required). Many times having OSTL simply work on your site once is not enough to maintain the top placements for your most important keywords.

13. Continue creating weekly traffic reports and ranking reports.
Why we are different

We don"t do anything without proper research and strategy - we have a very human approach to search engine optimization.
We study our client"s market and do proper competitors research.
we don"t do the spam.
We don"t do any cloaking; we follow content focus web site optimization process.
We don"t spam the search engines by keyword stuffing, over submitting, hiding text, submit numerous web pages created specifically for the search engines and not for viewers.
We don"t use any automated submission software or any automated tools, we believe in careful control by human or our submission process and follow all the rules & regulations set by the individual search engine and directories.

Business Application Development Company - OSTL, Bangalore


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